Monday, February 20, 2012

Why is my 8yr old toy poodle choaking periodically?

It sounds like a cat with a hairball. Not sure if she has ashma or something or if this is a trait of toy poodles. Has anyone else experienced this? Waiting to go to vet.|||Froth may be collecting at the back of the throat; dogs will eat grass to help expel this. Also, she might be having an allergic reaction and the airway closing up? Just my thoughts, good luck with her.|||reverse sneeze

collapsed trachea|||If it is a reverse sneeze, it sounds like the dog is having trouble getting air. Just place your finger over both nostrils and it should stop. If it is collapsing trachea, you may need to get something from your vet to stop the coughing.|||I have a 5 year old pug who chokes periodically, esp when excited like when a visitor comes, etc. The vet said (by xray) she has a collapsed trachea. You can treat with muscle relaxers if needed; last resort is surgery. If she stays mellow and calm, no prob, but when excited, chokes, coughing to get air, bec the collapsed trachea is blocking off her air. You feel helpless watching bec until she calms down, there's nothing you can really do. That's probably what it is.|||her throat may just be irritated........chicken broth helped my dog.. :)|||she might just be taking in too much air , too quick and then choke on her spit and extra air .

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