A 357 magnum?|||Jason has a good idea, but I believe the Colt 1861 may be a little too... "classy" for Woody's tastes (let's face it, Woody seems like a down-to-earth, humble toy)...
A plain jane 1851 Colt Navy would suit him just fine. Needs to be plain though... I would even say to ditch the roll-marks on the cylinder in the name of plainness.
To be blunt, Woody needs a fast handling, accurate, and very slick six-shooter' to get the job done. He doesn't need fancy roll-markings or high-grade walnut/ivory grips... no. He needs a plain octagonal barreled, walnut gripped, steel framed (color case hardened of course) 1851 Colt navy in .36.
To top this all off, this 1851 should appear as worn out as possible.|||it's acc to what u want if u want a rifle i suggest a 30/06 if u want a pistol i sugest a .44 mag or if it's a r movie a Ar-15|||Silly question.
He should carry a pair of Colt Single action army 1861 models, preferably with a buffalo rollprinted on to the cylinders.|||A Colt of course.
If you was wondering on getting merchandise for your kids I came upon this great website with affordable price on toy story games and products:|||I have to agree on the 1861 Colt. Thats the gun of the west and no cowboy toy should be caught dead without one.|||Colt .45 Peacemaker of course.|||A Rossi Ranch Hand in .357 Magnum, and a Ruger Blackhawk in the same caliber.|||M60 light machine gun.
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