Monday, February 20, 2012

Girls what would you do if you both tightened on a double toy and got stuck?

Girls what would you do if you both tightened on a double toy and got stuck? Like if both of the you tightened and locked up and the "lips" touched?|||That can't happen. toys are made like that so you can't get stuck..|||Err... well, it would have to eventually come out because both me and my girlfriend work, lol. I don't think they would appreciate us being... uh, attatched at the "hip" XD

and to the person who said 'it can't happen,' oh yes, it very well can. Once those muscles tighten up it doesn't matter whether there's any overt "safety features" or not! :/|||Wow! I'd almost pay to see that! It sounds pretty hot to me. I don't know if it is physically possible though.|||to big to get stuck.|||wOw! That would be pretty hot...for a while...and a big hit at the emergency room.

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