Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Should parents who allow their children to play with toy weapons be arrested and charged with child abuse?

I say yes!

In Europe no child plays with barbaric weapons disguised as toys. In Europe kids play nice, gentle games and are much happier and crime rate is lower.

In the USA children are defined as someone under 16; so I think that any parent who gives an under 16 a toy weapon should be locked up. Giving children weapons means that they are more likely to grow up top be violent!

Protect the under 16's and their innocence; ban toy weapons now!

PS - Europe has outlawed toy weapons.|||First, a child is anyone under the age of 18, not 16. At 18, you become an adult.

And second, DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!!!!

*EDIT* - And have you ever noticed how Europe always has to call the U.S. to come over and fight their wars for them?|||It may look like a weapon but at the end of the day, it's still a toy.|||I had an actual fire arm when I was under 16 much younger. I have never been involved in any violence other then when I had to protect myself. Almost every one I know has been trained to use fire arms since they were young children. None of them have been involved in violence either. You are a clueless idealist. You reality is a fiction novel.

I'm sorry for being rude about it, but you just advocated the jailing of my parents and the parents of just about every one I know.

Screw that.|||No. Someone's gotta get the toy weapons to play with so when the Europeans get their butt in a jam, they can call on us to provide cover while they continue playing those, "nice, gentle games..."

As long as a parent is meeting the kid's basic needs in life I don't have a problem with giving them toy weapons. There are a lot of kids who don't have toy weapons and also don't have a parent who gives a sheet about them. Those are the parents who should be arrested.|||No! It has nothing to do with the toys they play with, the television they watch, or the video games they play. It is the parenting and education the child receives that is going to teach them right from wrong.

So, does that mean a child should not play sports because that may involve physical contact? Does that mean a child should not drive because a car could be used as a weapon? Should anyone who smokes around another person be charged with attempted murder because you may receive second hand smoke that may lead to lung cancer and kill you?|||and parents who let their little girls play with baby dolls should also get cited for child abuse for promoting underage pregnancy.

Let's regulate EVERYTHING!!!! More money for the GOVERNMENT!!!! Oh wait, enforcement would impoverish a'h.
  • professor layton
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