Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I would like to do my master's in physician assistant studies at augsburg college in minneapolis, MN. I was ?

wondering if there is anyone out there who has been to this college and would be willing to give me some advice. Or is anyone out there a PA, who can tell me a little about the program. Is it a hard program and what does it entail. I am a mother of a 2 yr old and is this a program that would take me away from my family? I am trying to consider all options before making my decision. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.I would like to do my master's in physician assistant studies at augsburg college in minneapolis, MN. I was ?
Hey, I am a senior in high school, I am going into a 5 year bachelors/masters PA program, although I haven't gone to this exact school, I have done a lot of research. Also, I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant in my local hospital's Emergency Department and there are a lot of PA's on staff there.

From what I've heard, any PA program is extremely difficult. It is basically about 85% of medical school squished into 2 years. From the interviews that I have been to, PA program presentations, and talked to PA's, they don't recommend having a job while in the graduate program. I just say this because it will probably be difficult with a 2 year old. Especially during clinical rotations, you might be on call at night when you are in surgical rotations or something.

Although it is a grueling program, everyone I've talked to says that it is so worth it. A lot of the doctors in the ER that I work in wish that they had gone to PA school instead of medical school and encourage people who say they want to become doctors to become PA's instead.

I hope this helped!

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