Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Church-affilated college question...?

Augsburg College of Minneapolis in particular.

I am one of those people who is not religious.

I know Augsburg is a Lutheran-affilated college or w/e

my question is, is do i have to take religion there or do anything religious?

do i have to be religious to attend?

how much will it matter?Church-affilated college question...?
I attended a church affiliated school where chapel was a daily requirement and a Bible course had to be taken every semester. Of course I went to the school looking for those things so it was no concern to me. However I thought it might be wise to do some searching on your school's website for you to see if they may have similar requirements.

They have a daily chapel... but it is entirely optional. And the religion courses listed as part of the 'Liberal Arts Foundation' are only a few of the many choices you can make under the humanities.

I may be missing a small requirement or two of a religious nature... but it would seem you have very little to be concerned about. I was really *looking* for something you 'had' to do and I found nothing. Encouraged to do? Sure... but I could find no required courses or gatherings that you must be a participate in order to attend the school. Hope that helps!Church-affilated college question...?
You may have to attend a theology class or two. But you definitely do not have to conform to their religious views. I know many people that go to St. Thomas in the Twin Cities, but they are not catholic. People do it all the time!

I think you just take some theology classes! But you don't have to be christian. If I were you I would just keep my mouth shut about religious preferences...but I doubt that is a requirement. Church-affilated college question...?
You may be required to take one or two theology classes, but they are not going to be that bad. Other than that, it's not like they will make you attend church or anything (some schools will but Augsburg is not one of them). I attended the College of St. Benedict which is a Catholic school. I was not Catholic or religious at all when I first started, but eventually I converted. That was not because I felt forced or out of place though. While most of the students at Augsburg are going to be Lutheran or another Christian denomination, not all are.
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