Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?

My 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth especially when greeting someone. The toy will vary depending in her mood. Its almost like a child's security blanket that they carry around everywhere.

I haven't been able to find any explination for this behaviour. Can anyone give advice or explination?Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?Labs are retriever and they carry use their mouths to retrieve the fowl. It is a natural instinct and even if she is not trained to retrieve it is natural for certain sporting breeds to have things in their mouths. Just like some pointers will naturally point without training when they see something interesting,and springers will spring up and down through a tall field.Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?
Well labs are hunting dogs, so many she's just trying to show off her catch.

Or she could just want to play, if you're in the mood, just go ahead and play, but if you're not, just ignore herCan anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?My lab/golden mix does this to, especially socks:) I believe it makes them feel secure or it could be there hunting instinct, I don't really know, it is just plain cute!
She's a retriever- it's a common trait for a retriever to always want something in their mouths. I have a standard poodle who does the same thing. (And, yes, standard poodles ARE retrievers)Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?My golden retriever sabrina does this but not me other one sophia, she wants to play but sometimes she sleeps with it in her mouth (she does not care what toy it is she just does it) I think she might feel attached to it.Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?
My old boy used to do that (RIP). I thought it was very sweet. If he couldn't find his toy when we came home, he would grab a substitute to greet us with.

Edit: He was not a lab, not a retriever, and he wouldn't even play fetch. The stuffed animal was his security blanket.
because she is still a baby. A dog does not start maturing till after they are 2yrs old. My dog carried a teddy bear around with her for many years. She never tore it apart but that was like her security blanket. It does not harm her or anyone to allow them to carry the toy or stuffed animal around with them. Let them enjoy their child hood so to say.Can anyone tell me why my 1 1/2 yr yellow lab constantly carries a toy in her mouth?
Because they are retrievers. It's what they do. I have 4 labs. They range in age from 2 to 10. They ALL carry something in their mouths. Constantly.

It's who they are.
Labs are RETRIEVERS. It's in their genes.

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