Sunday, January 29, 2012

How much caring to give to a toy pomeranian?

I know it is hard work to care for a dog, even if it is really little...

what are the basics to care for one?

what speacial needs does a toy pom need?|||Having 4 toy dogs I know that size means a lot. If you get a "teacup" (a puppy that will be under 4-5 lbs as an adult) you will be in for a lot of work as for they need to be fed very often and if they are hypoglycemic they cant be left alone untill at least 4 months of age. However you could avoid all of that just by getting a Pomeranian that will be able 7-8 pounds.

It is a lot of work training a puppy. So you need to have a lot of time to raise a pup properly. Basic care is obviously food water and shelter (tons of love too!).

Since poms have huge fluffy coats they wont be needing a sweater (maybe a raincoat if they go outside). You will certainly have to get them groomed by a groomer and you will need to brush them daily.

Lots of good quality brushes and toys and of course treats ! Collar and leash too!

Remember the smaller your pup the more care and special needs they could have. So aim to get a healthy average sized pom and not something super tiny and fragile.|||what speacial needs does a toy pom need? - An owner with a hug bank account to pay for the mountain of vet bills that come with buying a badly bred undersized byb or puppymill produced pup.

Poms are a TOY breed. They have ONE size.|||No such thing as a "toy Pom". Or a "teacup Pom". Or a "tiny toy Pom."

It is just "Pomeranian" and it is in the Toy group according to the AKC. Anything with a prefix is a poorly bred runt dog bound to have health/genetic issues and a drastically shorter lifespan.

Basics of ownership include:

Food twice a day

Fresh water OFTEN

Potty training

Manners Training

Obedience Training

Daily exercise (20 minute walks, twice a day)

Socialization (going in public, introducing the dog to people and other dogs)

Mental Stimulation (games, training)

Daily brushing

Professional Grooming every few months

Vet appointments

Prevention medications once a month

No special needs, just make sure you SOCIALIZE the dog properly - otherwise the dog WILL become possessive and aggressive.|||there is no such thing as a toy pomeranian. What you should have asked, is how much caring to give a possibly unhealthy runt!

Answer...probably a whole lot, make sure you take him to the vet..."toy" anything usually have lots of health problems b/c of the way that they are bred.

Other than that, the same care as you would any other dog. Make sure you put him on premium dog food.
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