My dad has a whole bunch of early 1950s and 1960s toy trucks that he is looking to sell.
Where would be a good place to find information about how to value the trucks we have? We don't want to "give" them to antique dealers and then find out they're worth mucho dinero.
Suggestions with links or book sources in them will get a greater chance of getting the "best answer" award.
Thanks for your help!|||Go to Border's books or any bookstore should have one. They have price guides for vintage toys and such. Since they are vintage toys its more of a book instead of a magazine like normal price guides are.. They run about 20- 30 bucks approximately. The good thing is you can actually flip through it to see if its what you need. You could also try a library once you find out the name of the book and borrow it instead of buying, just make sure the library has a current version of the book.
Then once you get a price for it you can auction it on EBAY. You can start it low and set a reserve price on it, where it won't sell until it reaches the price you want or higher. Or you can just do a buy it now auction for the price you want.
Good Luck|||Thank you for the best answer!!!
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|||I've found many of my old toy trucks online. Start at the Yahoo shopping site:鈥?/a>|||I would go on Ebay and see if you can find similar toys and watch the bidding to see how high they go. Don't just look at one auction though. I'd follow many to get a good sense of their average value.|||There not worth that much, maybe $20 to $30, my dad has a few old, metal tonka trucks himself. An antique's not really an antique until it's 50 years old, the older the better, so hang on to it until the price goes up.
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