Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How long until my toy poodle grows to his original size?

So ok i have a 4 month old toy poodle pup who is a darling and i love him being so small but i know he's going to grow up and i actually can't wait to see him when he's all grown up....

how long do i have to wait until he does grow up? Or in another words when does a toy poodle stop growing?|||1 tear|||"Original"??

That was TWO CELLS.

You( I hope) mean ADULT height.

Dogs reach adult height at around 9-10 mons.%26amp; adult weight at 1 year+/-.

You do know Toys must be under 10 in.,right?|||The following site should be a help:

There's a chart the lists the average sizes.|||Toy poodle's can grow up to about 28 cm (11 inches). They normally stop growing at about 1.5 - 2 years of age, but it sometimes takes quite a while.|||i have a toy poodle and about at 6 months she started to get bigger ( full grown ) those are alsome dogs good luck

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